Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Throw that Gourmet Food on the Barbie!

So speeding up through last week (there was a lot of this and that, and to tell the truth I can’t remember it all so I’ll skip to the good parts) Thursday the 9th was just another school day like any other . . . oh wait, let me rephrase that, it was another amazing experience that we were gifted with exclusively as students of Adrian Parr & Michael Zaretsky! I’m not sure if I’ve covered this well enough yet, but our professors have the tightest connections here in Australia. Of course, this somewhat stems from the fact that Adrian’s father and Aunt are both well know contemporary artists living in Sydney; and since she grew up, studied, and taught in Sydney and Melbourne, the ties run deep.

Regressing back from my point of departure, Brian Zulaikha of TZG architects and his wife Janey Laurence, invited the team over to marvel at their contemporary home and participate in our first ever Ausi Barbie! Now let me first point out that the act of BBQing in Australia is a much-loved pastime centered on togetherness and community. However, unlike I was expecting, it apparently doesn’t have to have much of anything to do with actually grilling anything. Our meal consisted of a fine assortment of cheeses, breads, spreads, vegetables, sashimi, and cooked fish. Not at all what I had imagined going into this, but what a mouthwatering platter of delicious delicacies it ended up being. Oh . . . I’m salivating just reminiscing about it . . . give me a second . . . mmmmmmmmm, soooooo good!

Right, getting back to the topic; Tim Greer (another partner at TZG Architects) and his wife, Lilly, were also in attendance at the shindig and provided some great conversation as we milled about the house in amazement. Yes, that’s right, we were still in architecture mode during throughout our time at Brian’s house, but this isn’t just any regular house either. The domicile I speak of has been featured in Dwell Magazine as well as Architecture Bulletin and possibly many more that I have not yet come across. It is internationally revered as a significant piece of contemporary residential architecture. Heated slabs, squeaky clean detailing, sliding everything, and a gorgeous harbor view to boot; this place has it going on. It may just be the architects that we’ve had the pleasure of meeting thus far, but I’ve found an infatuation with all things sliding here. Kind of like how all the animals here are inclined to hop (I’ve seen birds hopping here, yeah, CRAZY).

Anyways, I won’t bog you down with the architectural terminology that goes along with my interactions in Brian’s house, so just suffice it to say . . . SWEETNESS!

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